Was there ever a time where you wished you didn’t have to get in the car and fight traffic to buy groceries, take the kids to school or to a park? At Centennial you can leave your car in the garage. Centennial has been designed as a series of compact walkable villages where most homes will be within one-half mile of a neighborhood park, schools, and retail stores. Centennial also is being planned with 7 – 8 foot paseos with landscaping between the pavement and pedestrian along main roadways and off-road trails to enhance a walking experience.
Need to get to your neighbor’s house on the other side of Centennial for a barbeque while carrying a bowl of potato salad? No problem. An internal transit system will be in place to take residents to any part of the entire community as well as to the two transit stations that will connect you with regional bus and train service into the San Fernando Valley and other parts of Los Angeles County.
what internal transit system is planned?what school will be planned?